Song for BASIC

A song for BASIC
(Brothers And Sisters In Chains)
to the tune “The Solid Rock”
If I should sing to you of pain,
Would you invite me back again?
I sing for those in cruel hands,
In darkness, pain and iron bands.
Our brothers bleed in Pakistan
Our sisters weep in dark Sudan
And many other distant lands
While we have freedom here, it's true
To worship 'neath red, white and blue
And we’ve been saved and Jesus reigns
Our distant family lives in pain
The savior hears their cries each day
And we, so busy, rarely pray
And we, so busy, rarely pray.
The cross of Christ our savior stands
Rejected in these foreign lands
Our Father’s children suffer there
Our Jesus loves them – do we care?
Their churches, homes and flesh have burned
From their great need we cannot turn.
From their great need we cannot turn
Oh Lord, we love and worship You
You've blessed us richly, it is true
Surrounded by our worldly gains
Help us remember those in chains
Until You come, O blessed day!
Help us to give, to work, to pray
Help us to give, to work, to pray.
(Brothers And Sisters In Chains)
to the tune “The Solid Rock”
If I should sing to you of pain,
Would you invite me back again?
I sing for those in cruel hands,
In darkness, pain and iron bands.
Our brothers bleed in Pakistan
Our sisters weep in dark Sudan
And many other distant lands
While we have freedom here, it's true
To worship 'neath red, white and blue
And we’ve been saved and Jesus reigns
Our distant family lives in pain
The savior hears their cries each day
And we, so busy, rarely pray
And we, so busy, rarely pray.
The cross of Christ our savior stands
Rejected in these foreign lands
Our Father’s children suffer there
Our Jesus loves them – do we care?
Their churches, homes and flesh have burned
From their great need we cannot turn.
From their great need we cannot turn
Oh Lord, we love and worship You
You've blessed us richly, it is true
Surrounded by our worldly gains
Help us remember those in chains
Until You come, O blessed day!
Help us to give, to work, to pray
Help us to give, to work, to pray.
If I should sing to you of pain,
Would you invite me back again?