Peeks Through Clouds

An effort to brighten darkness with gentle humor and loving truth... a desire to discern both love and truth more and more clearly when I gaze toward Glory... and a spirit-name, properly descriptive, unrequested but received, my own.

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Thursday, August 18, 2016


May you walk in beauty
With eyes wide open
May you walk
With mind wide open
May you walk 
With heart wide open
May you walk
In all your days, in beauty

Friday, August 12, 2016

No, really!

It's nothing really,
and if I ever get there,
that would be something!

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Anticipating a visit from my young grandson, I charged up an old cell phone for him to play with. While re-familiarizing myself with the menus and controls, I found a list of quotes and personal musings that I had accumulated and then forgotten. With no easy way to transfer that old technology into a newer form, I will re-fumble-finger the list here. Maybe this time, the words of wisdom from sages ancient and and modern will actually penetrate...

1.  Deliver me, O Lord, from the need for such frequent deliverance. -- Fellow Worker

2.  (an entry code for a door that no longer needs to be opened)

3.  Many who think they are angels are not even good people. -- Francis de Sales

4.  How or by whom shall he be cured who persists in regarding his own opinion as better than any other man's? -- Lorenzo Scupoli

5.  We little suspect how deceitful and crafty our nature is, which is ever seeking self. -- Scupoli

6.   Tempt me with hemlock. / Promise me the deep sweet sleep / that knows no waking.

7.  All misery is the result of loving something you have set your heart on. What is it for you? -- Guigo I

8.  It is your lack of interior pleasures that makes you go looking for exterior ones. -- Guigo I

9.  Unlike one who performs an earthly journey, the spiritual traveler may not rest without losing the ground he has gained. -- Scupoli

10.  If you need to hate someone, hate yourself. No one else has hurt you more. -- Guigo I

11.  Are we willing to be God's fuel, to be consumed by the fire-fall we're praying for? The Lord won't waste fire on an empty altar! -- (unattributed, maybe Tommy Tenney?)

12.  actions mean nothing / motives when revealed expose / my own sinful heart

13. God can be loved, but not imagined. God can be grasped and held by love, but not by rational thought. -- from The Cloud of Unknowing

14.  Silent Hope: John Kirvan AND find Pierre de Chardin  (??)

15.  Both the literalism of the fundamentalist and the precision of the theologian betray us in our search for a way to talk about God.

16.  The Lord gave us wine so our vision would not be clouded by our intellect. -- Famous Guy

17.  If you would hold anything against me, let it be only your wounded, forgiving heart

18.  God is not expecting someone else when we show up trailing our history. We are the one that God, however silently, awaits. -- Kirvan

19.  Healthy souls take healthy pleasure in healthy activities.

20.  We may be surrounded by companions and be supported by them at every step, but still we walk alone. -- Kirvan

21.  If we are miserable, it is because we have chosen to say no to joy. -- J.I. Packer

22.Vocation improves when united with devotion.  -- Francis de Sales

23.  I must learn to accept what I cannot learn to avoid.

24.  Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with beauty and reverence. -- Henry David Thoreau

25. Go boldly to God. He promises to hear you, not because you are good, but because He is good. -- William Tyndale