Peeks Through Clouds

An effort to brighten darkness with gentle humor and loving truth... a desire to discern both love and truth more and more clearly when I gaze toward Glory... and a spirit-name, properly descriptive, unrequested but received, my own.

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Sunday, July 05, 2009


What greater marvel could there be
than to behold one who, when he
had loved, created, freed and filled,
was hated, hounded, treed and killed?
Who, while he was hanging there,
spoke only of compassion, care
and mercy for both me and you
and all who know not what they do?
His life was given, so he said,
to rescue from the living dead
all those with hearts which would believe,
who turned from him who would deceive.

How he values those he calls!
He left heaven’s sacred halls
to take on flesh with all its woes,
to taste the pain that death bestows,
and that for those who scarcely care
to know the love he came to share!
How dare we treat as common, then,
these others who are also men,
who like us long so helplessly,
desiring only to be free,
when mere acceptance of his grace
can grant us freedom from this place?

O Son of God! To give us all
when we of our own will would fall,
nay, leap! to do that which is wrong
and celebrate it with a song!
But love and mercy still you do
extend to me – I know it’s true!
revealing goodness, beauty, peace,
and faith that helps me find release.
O my sweet foundation stone!
Man of sorrow, blood and bone,
home of all God has to give,
in you, oh marvel, I will live!

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Personal project.  Wreckage
under construction.  Carpenter
needed ASAP.  Apply within.