Peeks Through Clouds

An effort to brighten darkness with gentle humor and loving truth... a desire to discern both love and truth more and more clearly when I gaze toward Glory... and a spirit-name, properly descriptive, unrequested but received, my own.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Missler and me on the mess

From an article titled "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" in the 9/20/06 K-House e-News, a product of the ministry of Chuck & Nancy Missler:

"Don't let yourself be blinded by misleading propaganda and politically-correct generalities. The cause of Islamic terrorism is not the quest for social justice. It is not freedom for a specific group of subjugated people. The goal of Islamic terrorism ultimately is to bring the whole world into subjection to their version of fundamentalist Islam. No amount of appeasement will stop them. They do not want peace unless it comes on their terms."

Welcome to the real world. As Christians we do not war against flesh and blood, Paul tells us. Make no mistake, these are spiritually lost people we see pictured in the media, shouting their condemnations of our faith and our nation, and as Christians we do not war against them. But we had better be getting beyond basic training for battle in the spiritual realm, because the lying spirits that have deceived the Muslim warriors are laughing at the death of every suicide bomber who surrenders his hell-bound soul for the lie.

The Christian battle posture as related in Ephesians 6 is primarily defensive, but that doesn't mean we are to cower in the corner. What has been won by Christ is to be held by His followers until He returns, and what has been won by Christ is the salvation of all who will believe. The front lines, those soldiers of the cross who are actively involved in the fulfilling of the Great Commission, especially those in particularly dangerous or sensitive areas, need our support in daily militant prayer, and more and more as we see the Day approaching.

So don't kid yourself. World conditions will not be getting better any time soon. It's time for a priority check, and perhaps a recommittment..


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