New Year's revolution

I feel I need more information in order to proceed with certainty. I have become weary of doing just about everything I do with no rock-solid certainty of its rightness. In fact, if truth be told, the state of affairs induces paralysis of action and a low-grade depression. --- Andre'e Seu, in a "World" magazine editorial titled "Uncertain At Best"
It's a "real world" thing to have a car that's wearing out. It's a real world thing to have uncertainties about dealing with present responsibilities or a career move or a relationship. It's also a real world thing to be temporarily blessed with (or trapped by) comfort, convenience and the illusion of reliability. As J.R. Foster said, "We live in a broken world. We die in a broken world. We hope in a broken world." It seems to me we deal with that broken situation pretty much like we walk... watching for obstacles in our path and constantly shifting from one point of un-balance to another while swinging our related controllable parts in the proper direction, we make progress toward our objective, be it eventual heaven or earthly home.
Andre'e Seu continues...
... (the Holy Spirit) calls on us to be creative because He is sovereign. A trust in God says, "I'm going to venture on this. I know my motives aren't perfect but I'm going to try it because I know God loves me." The Spirit living within us gives us "freedom of exploration."
I had been laboring under a fallacy -- the fallacy of 100 percent certainty. I am certain that Jesus loves me, but I do not possess the same order of certainty that He wants me to have a Mercedes.
I am thinking that if I (1) investigate a matter thoroughly and (2) inquire of the Lord for guidance, then even though a postcard doesn't drop from heaven with an unequivocal answer, I can move forward with a spiritual commodity that is more true to the real world than "certainty" -- "confidence."
Confidence that God loves me. Confidence that His Spirit lives in me. Confidence that if I make a mistake His arms will be there to catch this frail saint and put me back on righteous paths, for His name's sake, this new year and the next.
Yours for a great walk toward a glorious future, with love and support and prayers... Karl
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