Peeks Through Clouds

An effort to brighten darkness with gentle humor and loving truth... a desire to discern both love and truth more and more clearly when I gaze toward Glory... and a spirit-name, properly descriptive, unrequested but received, my own.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just the way it is

I know, I know, it's been forever. But until I come up with something better, here's a brief glimpse of part of my daily day, brought about by an upper managerial question concerning how certain "problem areas" we are facing are dealt with at some of our related facilities in other parts of the country.
Asked to check it out at my level of the food chain, I contacted one of my distant counterparts at his equally distant parts counter, and we had a little chat. Lo and behold, things were not much different at his place. So I attempted to enlighten my manager with the following...
They (as do we) sporadically attempt to enforce impractical standards with inadequate personnel, yield to the inevitable for the sake of survival and temporarily fuss about laxness before losing interest in the situation. Then when something trips someone's trigger they return to Point A and start the cycle over, apparently ignoring the common operating definition of insanity by repeating the same actions while expecting a different outcome. It's true, boss... our system really IS perfectly designed to achieve the results we're getting!


Blogger sarah said...

Heh. I wish I had a job to complain about.

Reading this email reminds me of a game we used to play when I was very little. The game goes like this: someone says a word and the other person has to think of a synonym with more syllables.

Basically, a vocabulary-building- dinner-time-Detrich-game. It's possible, however, that I made this game up in my head and you are not actually to blame. Or credit.

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the futility of misplaced management systems... You know you got to love them. If middle management doesn't shake something up every so often, you forget that they are there. They have to do something so that at the end of the period they can take the credit of any success or say what they did to respond to the failure.

3:10 PM  

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