sometimes there simply are no words
and prayer becomes a moaning
and a deep and silent groaning
without words
sometimes there's just a clenching
and a twisting and a wrenching
and a thirst that has no quenching
without words
sometimes your face is blinding
and there's power and there's binding
and I feel your moving spirit
and your presence is so near it
washes through me to renew me
and a prayer can seem forever
in a moment and there's never
any words
and prayer becomes a moaning
and a deep and silent groaning
without words
sometimes there's just a clenching
and a twisting and a wrenching
and a thirst that has no quenching
without words
sometimes your face is blinding
and there's power and there's binding
and I feel your moving spirit
and your presence is so near it
washes through me to renew me
and a prayer can seem forever
in a moment and there's never
any words